Day 3 and 4 are the worst of the week.
I wake up on Day 3 already feeling bad. My skin on my body is hyper-sensitive. My skin from neck to waist feels sore when you touch it, and it almost feels like I'm buzzing. Not sure why it's only from the waist up. I can't find any record of anyone else experiencing this side effect. Lucky me.
As long as I'm laying in bed, I feel ok (apart from when Bridger jumps up onto the bed and steps all over me), but once I get up, the nausea and headache set in immediately. I get up and take my meds (Claritin, Pepcid, Ibuprofen) and eat a bagel.
I lay on the couch pretty much all day feeling nauseous, sore, and heachachy.
I don't seem to be having the aversion to food that I had the first two rounds, but I don't really have any appetite, so I eat ramen for dinner around 5. Ironically, simple things with lots of salt actually taste pretty good. Who knew?
Around 7pm, I let myself fall asleep on the couch. I made it through the season finale of The Amazing Race (Yay for Joey and Kelsey for winning!), so I feel like I've been productive. I wake up at 9pm and take myself to bed. Nauseous again, so I switch to Ativan which helps me sleep. Unfortunately, it also makes me very unbalanced when I get up in the middle of the night to pee....which I do several times a night since I'm supposed to be hyper-hydrating. I think I barely missed stepping on Bridger.
Day 4 I don't even get out of bed until about 1pm except for a trip to the kitchen for meds and a piece of dry toast. I just try to lay as still as possible as horizontal as possible. A great time for listening to books on tape. I can't watch anything as even my eyes hurt to move.
Around one o'clock, Husband goes to get a haircut (one of us has to have good looking hair, I guess) and I drag myself to the shower. I've noticed that I don't smell very good. It's amazing how not having hair makes you lose track of when you need to bathe yourself. Also, as if cancer is laughing at me, I notice that I need to shave my legs. No hair on the head, but shaving the legs is still on the list of things to do. Irony abounds.
Afterwards, I crawl back under the covers and continue to curse my stomach. Husband comes home and we watch the Broncos game on his phone in bed. They lose. Hoorah.
Around 5, I feel myself perking up just a bit. Headache has subsided and after taking another Compazine, I'm not feeling quite as bad.
A weird metallic medicine taste is beginning to creep into my mouth, too. This is good and bad. It's good because it means I think I'm moving on to the next stage of nastiness and leaving the main nausea behind. It's bad because it means I will have a metal taste in my mouth for the next few days. I feel like I am in the Chemotherapy Hunger Games. As soon as one challenge ends, the next one rears its ugly head.
When medication is injected into the bloodstream, it also gets into your saliva. This can cause a bitter metallic taste in the mouth and/or can make food taste different. Last round I combatted it with spicy foods for meals and lemon drops in between. Gum, too, seemed to help. I just need to be careful with the candy because I don't want to end up with cavities in addition to the cancer.
So with Day 3 in the books and Day 4 almost over, I'm happy to be moving into the next phase of the week. The next few days will still have nausea in the mornings and headaches in the afternoons in addition to the metal mouth, and will also find me falling asleep on the couch by 7 every night. But these next few days should be better than the last two.
Day 3 and 4 this week were MUCH worse than last week. I am already dreading the next round. My tentative plan is to just start with the Ativan on the night of Day 2 and try to sleep through Day 3 and 4. The next one will be my last round of AC chemo, though, so even though I'll be dealing with it on Christmas, at least it will be the last one.
Every morning I give the cancer a squeeze and see if I can feel it getting any smaller. It would be great to visit with Dr. M on the 24th and have her say the magic "L" word (lumpectomy), but I'm not holding my breath. I still have plenty of chemo to go, though. Things can change.
Still no cocktails for me.
Looks like Husband is having Boulder Beer Shake (one of my favorites), so you should definitely join him.
Thank you for sharing. Im sorry this sucks so bad.
ReplyDeleteKatniss triumphs in the end!
Ugh, the metallic mouth taste and the hairy legs, those sound like the worst!! Seriously, why can't the leg hair just fall out on it's own too?!?! Stupid legs.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you can still eat some/most things! And making it to 7pm is great, that's like 2 hrs past dark! Very reasonable time to head to bed!
Just wanted to say that we're here following along in your journey and thinking of you lots. Sorry to hear about all the challenges and ickyness. But it sounds like you're kicking ass. Hang in their friend. Lots of love to you!